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Wail of Death 2 Teknoloji Televizyonu Oyun Stüdyosunda
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Kayıt: Oct 18, 2004
Mesajlar: 173

MesajTarih: Sat Nov 19, 2005 4:57 pm    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Ver

Wail of Death 1'in senaryosunu ingilizceye çevirdim.

The year 2194...

Because of the wars on earth, all humankind was wiped out.As the time passed, the climate
began to change, the crust of the world because scorched as a result of A-bombs, and
because of the layer of sulphur gases an effect of mutation appeared.Mutationed humans
began to demonicize.Angelic will began to seek for the energy, which will kill all the demonics
and which will save the world, by going to the hidden headquarter in the only existing city,

Angelic:The character we direct in the game.Angelic is the only human in the world.

Wod 1 ve Wod 2'nin konusu ile ilgili daha fazla ingilizceye çevirmeye deniyicem.
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Kayıt: Oct 18, 2004
Mesajlar: 173

MesajTarih: Sat Nov 19, 2005 9:45 pm    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Ver

Eğer dikkat ettiyseniz üsttekin de küçük bir hata yapmışım Smile

The year 2194...

Because of the wars on earth, all humankind was wiped out.As the time passed, the climate began to change, the crust of the world became scorched as a result of A-bombs, and because of the layer of sulphur gases an effect of mutation appeared.Mutationed humans began to demonicize.Angelic will began to seek for the energy, which will kill all the demonics and which will save the world, by going to the hidden headquarter in the only existing city, Artagarath.

Angelic:The character we direct in the game.Angelic is the only human in the world.
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Kayıt: Oct 18, 2004
Mesajlar: 173

MesajTarih: Sun Nov 20, 2005 8:28 pm    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Ver

Wail of Death 1 ve 2'nin senaryosunun ingilizceye en iyi şekilde çevrilmiş hali PlanetPhillip de yayınlandı.
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