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 The Making of Doom(r) III: The Official Guide

Oyun Sektörüharzememo bildirdi: "Doom 3 yapım aşamasından çeşitli makale, ropörtaj, fotoğraf, ekran görüntüsü, tasarım resimleri gibi materyaller bulunduran kitap piyasaya çıktı. Profesyonel bir oyunun nasıl yapıldığını, hangi aşamalardan geçtiğini merak edenlere duyurulur...
Kitabı amazondan satın almak için :
[Amazon Linki]

Kitaba gelen 2 eleştiri:

This book gives a great insight on the inner workings of ID software. The paper used in the publication of this seems to be extremely high quality. My only gripe is the book is not hardcover. Overall Steven Kent does a great job as usual. If you want to understand how ID works this book will explain alot.
Steven Kent was given extraordinary access to the creative team doing Doom 3 while the project was under develoment. In this book he charts that development from early conception and the development of details like a new graphics engine that would do the actual on screen graphics. He then moves on to the development of characters, locations, and sounds that make the game what it is. One by one the developers are introduced, often by interview. And the developers get to say their prospective on the game and their part in it. The book is profusely illustrated showing the characters in the sceens where they belong.

It is surprising, no incredible to me that the game of Doom 3 was created in total by a team of some 22 people."

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